বুধবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Social Media Medley ? Differences between Facebook, Twitter ...

The internet has gone a long way towards completely revamping the way many people interact with one another the world over. Many other inventions, such as the telegraph and telephone, helped the human race to become closer and more in touch both in a social and business sense. However, given the sheer volume of different ways that people can interact with each other, as well as the amount of information they can provide to those they interact with, it is easy to see why many people believe that the internet is one of the most influential inventions of the 20th century.

One of the most popular components of the internet that contributes to this quality of social togetherness is the social media website. In fact, it would be difficult to provide an example that is more useful in terms of allowing people to share much of their lives with virtually anyone around the globe.

There are several different social media websites that have proven themselves to be the leaders in the world of social media. Each of these sites has carved out a niche catering to different types of users, which has provided people with a myriad of choices on how they would like to interact.


With its meteoric rise since its inception in early 2004, it would be virtually impossible to compile a list of the leading social media websites without Facebook heading the list. As of September 2012, Facebook achieved the benchmark of having over one billion active users of its site. That means, on average, one in every seven people has a Facebook account and uses it on a regular basis!

While Facebook?s features are many and varied, the main goal of the site is to allow people to share their lives in a broad sense, with the ability to add many types of personal information and photos. In addition, people are able to interact with one another by posting comments on many different areas of friend?s profiles.


Another chart topper in the world of social media is Twitter. While Twitter does provide the opportunity to share various pieces of personal information, as well as photos, its main focus differs from a site like Facebook enough so that it can be considered in a class of its own. Twitter runs on ?tweets,? which are short messages, up to 140 characters in length, that provide the opportunity for people to share things much more in real time than what you will find with Facebook. These tweets are then posted on the user?s Twitter page, as well as sent to whomever is following them. Many times, followers will have tweets sent to a mobile device, allowing them to keep in close touch with people they find important.


While both Twitter and Facebook?s main focus is the more personal and social side of life, LinkedIn has set itself apart by combining the tenets of social media with a business-oriented environment. Business people can connect with one another directly, which involves adding each other to their list of connections in their LinkedIn account. Once this is done, each user has the capability to see the other person?s list of connections, as well as their connections? connections. These are called second and third-degree connections respectively. This concept allows people to find business contacts that already have the positive quality of being associated with someone they know, providing the opportunity to expand their network of business contacts.


When internet giant Google decided to try their hand in the social media arena, they entered it with an advantage not enjoyed by most of the other leading players. That would be that they already had a solid network of some of the most popular sites on the internet to integrate it with. The resulting service, Google+, is considered more of a layer over all of Google?s wide range of existing internet content, as opposed to solely a central website. Of course the keystone site also exists, which allows you to interact with friends and family in much the same way you would find at other sites such as Facebook.


If most of the previously mentioned sites? focus has primarily been the sharing of information through written content, Pinterest would be the break from that rule by focusing its content on images. Pinterest?s services allow you to post images based on different subjects and interests by using ?pinboards,? which can then be re-pinned by other members with the same interests. Video can also be uploaded and shared in much the same way.

While the most popular social media services have these different areas of focus, the one quality they all have in common is their ability to provide a much deeper level of social interaction than has ever been seen before in any type of electronic media. As technology advances in sophistication, it will be interesting to see how this concept will evolve in the years to come.

Source: http://www.techtous.com/blog/social-media-medley-differences-between-facebook-twitter-linkedin-google-and-pinterest/

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