Filippo Bigarella, the popular jailbreak developer responsible for jailbreak tweaks such as?Springtomize, LivelyIcons, and PasswordPilot Pro, has just released a non-jailbreak application in the App Store. Called Balances, the new app allows iPhone and iPod touch owners to easily keep track of money that is owed and due. At the moment, Bigarella?s Balances can be downloaded free of charge in the App Store.
Balances is a simple, elegant app not dissimilar to Realmac Software?s popular to-do app, Clear. After launching the application, users touch either a ?-? or ?+? icon to add debt or credit, and can then input the amount, the name of the person involved, and a note beneath. All entries will show at the main screen of the application in either red or green, depending on their nature (as pictured above).

Once an entry has been dealt with, users can then remove it from the application?s main screen by swiping the item to the right. It?s as easy as that.
Balances is currently available to download in the App Store free of charge, and is optimized for the iPhone and iPod touch. Take a look at the brand new application now, and see what you think.
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