শনিবার, ৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

This might interest you.Arena's On-Air Creative Writing Course

maryhealybooks: This might interest you.Arena's On-Air Creative Writing Course

This might interest you.Arena's On-Air Creative Writing Course

This month?s creative writing prompt encourages you to ditch all your doubts, file away all of your fears, give in completely to your fantasies and become something new.
  • Is there something precious to you that you desperately want but can't have?
  • Is there somewhere deeply enticing you want to go but you are prevented by your real life circumstances from ever going there?
  • Is there a secret someone else you wish you were, someone who does what you are not allowed to?
  • Is there something you are tempted by but you resist the temptation because the consequences of carrying through would be too much for your conscience or your bank balance to handle?
Become anything you want to be, human or inhuman; go anywhere you want to go, real or unreal; do anything you want to do, very very good deeds or very very bold ones.
Write your wishes as your memories, as if they had come true.
Design an alternative life for yourself and write us an episode from your new existence. Don't hold back. Let go. Use a pen name if you need to.
Writing in any style or genre. The word count should be a maximum of 700 words and the closing date is Monday January 28th.
If you do want to submit your work to arena for possible broadcast, and for possible publication in our RTE/New Island Press anthology, there are a couple of additional things you need to keep in mind.
  • We want work that will come across well on the air and on the page. It must speak in an interesting and novel way to Arena?s broad and intelligent audience. Be original. Avoid cliche. Pay attention to the medium you are writing in and the audience you are writing for.
  • Think about the title of the project: NEW PLANET CABARET. NEW means work that is alive to and interested in the novelty of the present moment and in the way the world is changing around us. PLANET means we are seeking work that speaks to us from all over the world, work from and about our diaspora, work from and about our own many immigrant communities, work from and about those who have traveled and journeyed. CABARET means we are looking for work in a variety of styles and voices, and also work that is both sophisticated and well communicated, both experimental and populist- writing that is serious entertainment.
  • Email your entry with the heading NEW PLANET CABARET to arena@rte.ie or by post to Arena, RTE Radio 1, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. All entries will be read and considered, but only those people whose work has been chosen for broadcast will be contacted. No other correspondence will be entered into and canvassing of any kind will disqualify.
  • Listen in to RTE RADIO 1'S ARENA at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month to hear some of the selected work, and more discussion about creativity, along with the next month?s writing prompt..

Source: http://maryhealybooks.blogspot.com/2013/01/this-might-interest-youarenas-on-air.html

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