রবিবার, ৯ জুন, ২০১৩

Everything You Should Know About PRISM, What'll Be at WWDC, And More

Everything You Should Know About PRISM, What'll Be at WWDC, And More

It's been a long and tumultuous week. The revelation that the NSA is and has been spying on everyone and anyone through one of the must insane, high-tech espionage systems of all time has been one hell a ride, but we've also got some WWDC rumors, an amazing Photoshop prank, how the government shut down the house of tomorrow, a bunch of terrifying 3d-printer fails and more. Check it out all that and more!



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/IUv_xe3YQog/everything-you-should-know-about-prism-whatll-be-at-w-511992565

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